December 2, 2017 in Gorky Park will begin to work an ice platform for children. The main event of the season will be the opening of the figure skating school Alexei Yagudin.
This winter at the children’s skating rink it will be even more interesting and more fun: LED backlight is mounted on the surface of the ice, which paints it with bright colors, and the mirror facade creates optical illusions and visually changes the space.
Now the pavilion adjacent to the rink with a total area of 800 square meters. Inside – a spacious warm locker room, rental of skates and cafes overlooking the rink. Moms and dads can have a bite or just relax, watching their novice skaters.
At the figure of figure skating, guys from 3 to 12 years old will dissect ice, like Olympic champions. The titled skater Alexei Yagudin and his team of professional coaches – world champions in ice acrobatics will teach to slide correctly. Those who will get up on skates will be able to study at school, and those who are not on the first for the first time. Depending on the level of training, children will be divided into groups. Students will master jumps, spirals and rotations three times a week for a month, and in the final at demonstrations will demonstrate everything that they learned.
General sponsor of the children’s rink in Gorky Park: Ferrero Russia CJSC with the support of Kinder Pingui and Kinder brands milk slice.
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